How to Fix the Blue Screen Error Code 80004001

The error code 80004001 is not one of the commonly seen error codes in Windows 10 but is it is a pretty critical kind of error that belongs to the BSOD errors. The term BSOD stands for Blue Screen of Death that is a pretty fatal indication for the user. It could appear due to unexpected power breakdowncorrupted driverfaulty system files, etc.

In case you are also facing the same issue on your computer, no need to be worried, for we are here to help you. Carefully study this article and follow all instructions mentioned here to fix the issue.

Getting Your Device Ready for Fixing 80004001 Error

  1. First of all, make sure you have a “Windows Installation media,” such as a bootable USB Flash drive or DVD.
  2. When you get it ready, place it into your computer device input port.
  3. Now initiate the reboot on your device, and when your computer shows up the next startup screen, hit any of the available function keys according to the PC you are using. Most of the devices can boot bootable installation devices by pressing the Delete, Esc, F2, F10, F8, F12, or Backspace key.
  4. When you land on the BIOS menu, proceed with the chosen language.
  5. Make your way to the Next option.
  6. Then navigate to the Repair your computer link located on the lower left.
  7. Now make your way to the Troubleshoot option inside three given options.
  8. Next, make a tap on Advanced Options.
  9. Then head to the Startup Settings to proceed further.
  10. Now make sure to select the option “Enable Safe Mode” by pressing its function key.
  11. After that, Reboot and hang around until you get into Safe Mode.
  12. Now once you are in the Safe Mode, perform the below solutions one by one to fix the issue.

Method 1: Use System File Checker

System File Checker is a type of scan that runs a deep scan in your operating system files, and then it identifies errors and broken files in your system that are causing issues. When the software finishes the identification of these problematic system files, it begins troubleshooting them one by one. This scan is powerful enough to solve the BSOD errors including the 80004001 error code. Let’s run this scan to solve the ongoing issues:

  1. Head to the Start menu by pressing the Start key on your keyboard.
  2. Now put in CMD and then make a right-click on the Command Prompt icon from the results.
  3. Pick the Run as administrator option.
  4. A black color dialogue box would appear on your PC screen, and it is known as Command Prompt.
  5. Now put in sfc /scannow.
  6. Hit the Enter key on your keyboard to initiate the above command that you just typed into the available window.
  7. Hold on until the process wraps up.
  8. Once completed, close the Command Prompt and then start your computer into regular mode.

See if the error still showing up, and in case the error appears again, get back into the safe mode to implement the next solution.

Method 2: Troubleshooting the Problematic Drivers

Here is another method to get rid of the 80004001 error code; see the steps mentioned here to fix the faulty drivers on your Windows 10 PC:

  1. On your computer while in the safe mode, press the Windows logo icon located on the lower-left corner.
  2. Now put in the Device Manager.
  3. Choose the best matching result.  
  4. Then look for the drivers that have a yellow caution mark next to them.
  5. Once you identify them, click on one of them.
  6. Make a right-click on their drivers.
  7. Choose the Update driver option.
  8. Follow the onscreen steps to update the driver and fix the 80004001 issues.
  9. Once done, boot the computer into the normal mode, and your error would be resolved.

The author is a self-professed security expert. she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for McAfee security products at


How to Fix 0x80042108 Error on Microsoft Outlook?

The Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80042108 is common among Outlook users, and the error mostly appears while the program sends and reads the messages. The same error message also shows up when the client tries to forward and reply to the messages. To solve this just keep on reading this blog and you will be able to solve the issues by yourself effortlessly.

Solution 1: Install the Pending Updates

Follow the below-given instructions to download and install the pending Windows Updates on your system. This will solve the whole issue on your computer that is occurring due to the Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80042108:

  1. Head to the Start menu by pressing the Start menu key on your keyboard.
  2. Then, put in the Update keyword and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
  3. Now the Windows Update window will appear on your device screen.
  4. Next, to install an available update, make a right-click on an update and then choose the Install Update button. 
  5. Once the update completes, make sure to reboot the PC once again. 

Solution 2: Update Windows Drivers 

The Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80042108 can also appear when the drivers of your laptop or desktop are outdated or corrupted. So, with updating and installing the problematic drivers, one can easily solve the issue. Here are the instructions to fix the outdated and corrupted drivers: 

  1. On the computer home screen, find the My Computer icon and then make a right-click on it. 
  2. Head to the Properties option.
  3. In the Properties window, head to Device Manager.
  4. Now find out the devices and drivers that are showing a yellow caution mark. 
  5. Once you have located one or more, make a right-click on one of them. 
  6. Head to the Update Driver option.
  7. Reboot the system and then see if the error still showing up.

Solution 3: Enabling the Windows Update Service

For Windows 10:

In case the Windows Update service is paused or stopped temporarily, the Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80042108 error code would surely appear due to the lack of essential service and patches. To solve this first, you have to ensure if the service is stopped and needs to be re-enabled manually. Here is how to enable the Windows Update service on Windows 10:

  1. Head to Cortana on your Windows 10 PC and then put in Services.
  2. Now put in the passcode when asked to do so and then Continue.
  3. When the Services wizard triggers on the screen, look for the service named “Windows Update Service.”
  4. Once you have located it, make a double click on the service to tweak its configurations. 
  5. Now head to the Start button to enable the service. 
  6. Restart the device.

For Windows 8/8.1 OS:

In case you are running Windows 8 or 8.1 on your effected PC, these below mentioned steps could help you in reactivating its Windows Update service: 

  1. Head to Start menu
  2. Then put in Control Panel.
  3. Choose the best matching result.  
  4. Now head to the search bar in the top-right corner.
  5. Put in Services. 
  6. In the results, head to View local services. 
  7. Now check if the services named “Windows Update service” and “Background Intelligent Transfer Service” are active and presently running.
  8. Now, if the service is stopped, then close the current window and then head to the Start menu. 
  9. Put in the cmd keyword.
  10. Now make a right-click on the cmd icon.
  11. Head to Run as Administration.
  12. Now the Command Prompt will appear on your screen, so enter “net start bits” and hit the Enter key.
  13. Now put in “net start wuauserv” press the Enter key on your keyboard once more.

For Windows 7 or Older OS

  1. Navigate to the Start menu by either pressing the Start menu key on your keyboard or just clicking on the Windows logo on the lower-left of the screen.  
  2. Now put in Control Panel and then pick the best matching result.
  3. Head to Administrative Tools.
  4. In the Administrative Tools wizard, there is a toolbar and there click on the icon to open the viewing options list
  5. Choose the Large Icons.
  6. Then head to Services.
  7. Now, look for the “Windows Update service” and “Background Intelligent Transfer Service” services.
  8. Now, if the process is stopped, head to the Start menu.
  9. Then put in Run and then choose the Run icon.
  10. Put in cmd and press Ctrl+ Shift + Enter.
  11. Now enter the net start bits command and then hit Enter.
  12. Put in the net start wuauserv command and then press Enter.

Solution 4: Removing Junk Files 

  1. Head to start menu on your system by hitting the Start key. 
  2. Then type %temp% and then choose the Temp folder from the results. 
  3. Now when the file explorer appears, and you redirect to the Temp folder, select all files and folder by pressing Ctrl + A button. 
  4. Now press Shift + Delete. 
  5. Then choose the Yes option to continue. 

Solution 5: Solve Corrupted Outlook

Due to the corruption of the Outlook program, sometimes the Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80042108 error might appear. So to solve this, simply, follow this guide:

  1. Head to Start menu. 
  2. Put in scanpst.exe. 
  3. Hit Enter.
  4. The process of scanning program issues will trigger automatically. 
  5. Hold thigh until the scan completes the repairing procedure.
  6. See if the error persists. 


How to Put Out the Fire in Resident Evil 3 Demo

Capcom has provided a demo version of their popular game, Resident Evil 3, to fulfill the excitation of the gamers. The demo version has already started attaining acclamation globally due to various newly added features and aspects in it. However, its popular aspects of maze and puzzles have been brought back with new objectives. The demo version clears shows up several new puzzles to the gamers, including put out the fire.

The subsequent puzzle or clearly saying quest requires Jill Valentine to put out the fire to hinder the foes and other obstacles on their way. In this blog, we are going to share with the gamers a specific strategy to accomplish this puzzle. The process of completing this puzzle is a bit complex due to its lengthiness, so it is advisable to be aware and attentive while reading this article.

Navigate Fire Hose

To complete the subsequent puzzle, gamers first need to find the fire hose. For that, the players have to visit the Kite Bros. Thereafter; they require to reach towards the building of the Railway. Although it seems out to be a hard task to navigate these locations, through a specific guide, it can be visited with ease.

The gamers need to take the stairs down to the shop of Donut lies on the very next street. Then, the players need to take the very first right from the shop. Thereafter, a building will appear on their right side; there, they need to take the stairs that will lead them straight to the Kite Bros. From there, they can easily reach out to the building of the Railway.

Put Out the Fire

After the gamers have successfully found the fire hose, then they need to put out the fire through it. This can be done quite easily by reaching outside the Donut shop where they would encounter Nemesis. The gamers need to take him down, and soon after that, it will evolve into his original form.

Gamers need to inflict damage to him using gunfire and explosives and can easily knock down him through it. But to complete the puzzles, they need to slain him through the fire, and it can be easily done by enticing him through various attacks. Gamers need to take him towards fire hydrant, and once they succeed in doing that, then they need to execute the fire and surpass the alley immediately.


The demo version is available to experience the forthcoming version of Resident Evil. In the following article, we have tried to favor the gamers to completely put out the fire puzzle. We hope that this article will definitely be going to help in completing it.

Gamers can play Resident Evil 3 after 3rd April 2020, on PS4PC, and Xbox One.

The author is a self-professed security expert. she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for McAfee security products at


Location of Every Empyrean Key in Doom Eternal

The popular first-person shooter game of id SoftwareDoom, has been brought back in a whole new version known as Doom Eternal. Following attributes of its predecessor, Doom eternal is also famous for its weapons. The game contains a series of mysterious keys that can unlock the door to the most potent weapon of this game. In the following article, we are going to discuss with the gamers about ways to find all the mysterious keys, also known as Empyrean Key.

Locations of All Empyrean Keys

There is a total number of six keys to collect to obtain the potent weapon through a slayer gate. These six keys lie at six distinctive locations, and these locations are missions that gamers need to complete to access to slayer gate. Below we have mentioned each of them specifically.

  • Quest 9: Taras Nabad.
  • Quest 7: Mars Core.
  • Quest 6: Arc Complex.
  • Quest 5: Super Gore Nest.
  • Quest 3: Cultist Base.
  • Quest 2: Exultia.

Exultia Quest

The gamers need to access the cave that is situated on the right side of Hellscape. Thereafter, gamers need to jump across the platform to fund the key. Once the gamers find the key, then they need to unlock the first slayer gate and accomplish its quest.

Cultist Base Quest

The gamers need to jump across the walls until they reached the grabbable wall. The wall will take them down to a tunnel; they need to keep on walking until a room appears. The key is hidden inside the room; gamers need to locate it. Once they located it successfully, then they need to use the key to enter the second slayer gate and accomplish the mission inside it.

Super Gore Nest Quest

The third key is lies inside a tunnel that is pink in color. The gamers need to go to the subsequent tunnel and obtain the key. Thereafter, the gamers need to use all three keys to unlock the third slayer gate. After that, gamers need to complete the mission.

Arc Complex Quest

The gamers need to go towards the skyscraper and knock down all the foes that hinder them. Thereafter, they need to go to Atrium near the wall. The key is lying on the wall, jump, and obtain it. Use the key and unlock the fourth gate to complete the appear challenging.

Mars Core Quest

The gamers have to visit the Doom slayer that is situated near the large rocks. Thereafter, the gamers need to tap the button lies inside it. The button will pop-up a whole new way and platform. Gamers need to go towards the platform as the key lies upon it. Grab the key and unlocking the fifth slayer gate and complete the appear quest.

Taras Nabad Quest

The gamers need to navigate to Catacombs and then require to move into the sewage area. The gamers will find the key inside one of the water tunnels inside the Catacombs sewage system. Gamers need to grab the key and access to the last slayer gate.

Once the gamers obtain all the keys alongside completed all the missions, then they need to get back to the Doom fortress to grab the potent weapon. Once the gamers, successfully reached to the Fortress, an animated video will play, and soon after, the gamers will be rewarded by the subsequent weapon. The weapon is known as maker race, and it is one of the most powerful weapons in Doom Eternal.

Doom Eternal is available to be played on PCXbox OneGoogle StadiaNintendo Switch, and PS4.


How to Stop Spectrum Junk Mail & Unwanted Calls?

For years, the users working on several internet sources are often found that their devices have been inundated with junk mails from the Charter spectrum and Internet Service provider. The users often found such mails or emails written in huge red capital letters with messages such as Important Account Information or Notice. Most of the users often opened the messages thinking that it is something very important and the messages are legitimate one and may the internet is getting shutting off. Every time the users did so they got duped and they found that the mailers are the unwanted messages which are just trying to entice them to buy some more services from Spectrum or upgrade the plan.

 In such circumstances, it is not probably possible to switch the internet service providers if the users desired to get rid of the obnoxious mailers. Sometimes the building in which they are residing is also not wired for any other ISP and so the users left with no other option rather than to stick to the previous one. According to a report by the mayor of New York City, it was revealed that almost 69% of the New York-based households are having only one or two options for broadband service providers and at least 24 million people in America didn’t use the broadband services at all. It becomes a huge reason behind accepting misleading junk mails.

But, now the scenario has changed and the users can opt-out of the Spectrum misleading junk mail on the internet. The users can tell the Spectrum they don’t want the junk mails and so restricted Spectrum from calling and email along with restricting their sales officers to come and knock. The users can go to the privacy page and opt-out from the junk mails along with restricting Spectrum to use your data for sending the targeted ads. The users can opt to call on 1-800 number and fill an online form which will include filling the information such as your first and last name along with phone number, authentic email address, and street address.

The users can also opt-out from receiving the sales and marketing offers via physical mail, door to door sales, phones and emails from Spectrum by filling the form. The users have to mention their address and identify themselves as the current customer. Further, you have to check out the four boxes appearing to them as Do not call, Do not mail, Do not knock, etc and chose the preferred option. The users will be required to provide the phone numbers and they can also provide two additional addresses.

Now, as the above-mentioned fixes are immediate one and the users will further need to go to the Additional Privacy Preferences for long term solutions.  The users could found it on the right side of the section Do not available at the bottom. After, enabling the Additional Privacy Preferences, the users can restrict Spectrum by using their personal information for sending the targeted ads by customizing.


Fix: Changing Calendar Date in BIOS Does Not Work

Basic Input Output system in short BIOS is the program used by the microprocessor of the personal computer to start the computer system when you turn the computer on. Being an integral part of the computer, BIOS also manages the flow of data between the operating system of the computer and all other devices that are attached to it such as the Video adapter, keyboard, mouse, printer and the hard disks. An Erasable programmable Read-Only Memory is used to make the program accessible to the microprocessors. Whenever the users turn on their computers then the control of the microprocessor is passed to the BIOS which could be found located on the same location on Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

When the computer is booted up by the BIOS program, then it starts determining quickly whether all the attachments are in the proper place and operating properly too. After, updating all the attachments, it further initiates to load the operating system on the random access memory of the computers. The loading of the operating system is done through the diskette drive or hard disk. Now, what if the changes made to the date of the calendar in BIOS stops reflecting in the Windows10 operating system. The users have to find the cause and then remedy for the issue which they could get by going through the below-given guidelines.

If Changes made to the Calendar Date is not reflecting

The users may face such issues if they have gone through the following scenarios such as if you have changed the calendar date to a particular value in the computer BIOS and the date is earlier than that the Windows is presenting. In the second condition, the problem could take place due to the changes you have saved and then restart the windows. In such scenarios, the date settings do not become visible in the Windows that have been made by you in BIOS to the calendar date.

Such behavior occurs due to the design as mentioned by Microsoft and said that it happens due to the fact that time could not travel backward which is considered by Windows. Besides, it may also happen that the BIOS program on the notebook device or laptop is reporting an earlier than that of the Windows date in case of the failing or dead battery. In such circumstances, the date and time represented by the BIOS program are not reliable and in addition to this the changes made to the calendar date on the calendar of the users in the BIOS program need not necessarily affected by the behavior if the new date mentioned is later to that reported by the Windows.

Now, the users are acquainted with the issue and the reasons behind it and so they can resolve the issue conveniently. The users need to make modifications in the calendar date on their computer by going to the settings section of the Windows. Once, the users will intend to make the changes there it will be further reflected across the multiple restarts and they should make the changes by going to Windows settings instead of making changes in the BIOS.

The author is a self-professed security expert. she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for McAfee security products at


DiskCryptor is a Powerful Disk Encryption Software for Windows 10

Windows 10 provides built-in encryption solutions like BitLocker to ensure if the drive is used somewhere else, then it is not going to be readable. Though like other resolutions, it is the unshared resolution. If users are finding a substitute for BitLocker as an open-source encryption solution, then you can try the DiskCryptor. You may apply it to encrypt the disk partition with the system partition. If you need to use the DiskCryptor, then this post might be useful for you. Keep on reading to follow the instructions.

DiskCryptor Disk Encryption Software

As you begin, DiskCryptor is not the latest. According to a recent developer, it was created as a substitute for the DriveCrypt Plus Pack or PGP WDE by the NTLDR. Though there were no development from 2014, so people on takes place development of the software seems active at the GitHub page so that you can use it if you were looking for the alternate.

DiskCryptor Features

  • Encryption of the disk partition.
  • Complete the support for the vibrant disks.
  • It works with RAID size, which is supported by the system, such as supports disk, including large sector size.
  • Support for the key documents.
  • It works with the DVD, CD, USB storage, apart from the storage devices.
  • Launch license GNU GPLv3.
  • Support for hotkeys also optional command-line interface.

As the Encryption is finished, partition or the size will not be applied to discover the data. It is going to protect with the password, and as you type the password, the structure of partition will be available.

How to Use the DiskCryptor

If you wish to use DiskCryptor, then pursue the given instructions:

  1. As you open the software, it will then the entire partition organized by physical drive.
  2. Click on any partition and then right-click.
  3. Tap on Encrypt.
  4. Then you have to choose an encryption algorithm and then wipe mode.
  5. Set the password or apply Keyfile.
  6. Begin Encryption then wait till it finishes.
  7. Password will be changed. Right-click on the size and select to change the password option from the context section.

The total time used for the Encryption is going to based on the speed and size of the drive. If users encrypt initial partition, You will require to insert a password while the boot procedure. The two exciting features that you must have an idea about.

DiskCryptor Wipe Mode

As you use the Wipe mode while Encryption, it will not remove the documents nor any remaining data that the document system includes. According to developers, it is not important because the program encrypts the entire document system. It rather avoids chances of retrieving the information by inspecting residual magnetic energy, which can complete on the specialist equipment.

Resume, Pause Encryption Anywhere

This function enables users to pause ongoing encryption procedure and resume it again later. If you utilize it, then you may also decrypt unfinished Encryption. It is easy to use if you have selected the wrong drive for the Encryption, and users don’t need to wait for hours to finish it. Moreover, if you are trying to encrypt the external drive, you may pause it and switch the PC and then begin Encryption on the other PC. As you must perform the entire types of Disk Management following the encrypting system, developers will suggest against it. It is because software may not have tested on these situations. You may download it. After finish installing, you need to start the PC again before you may use the software. If you decided to remove it, then ensure to decrypt the entire size, particularly system partition.


How to Stop Facebook From Tracking Your Web Activity

As the social network always track you all over the web, Facebook also gets the details from third-party sites and applications. Any app or site that lets you sign in via Facebook credentials is about to share the details with Facebook. It shares the data to Facebook, and such details are known as Off Facebook Activity. Using the latest privacy feature, you may delete history of application as well as sites that shared the details.

You may switch off the future off-Facebook activity that says Facebook to cut off any data which the company may have shared from the account. Else you may discerningly select the companies to which you don’t want to share your information or activity, and it will stop displaying such target ads. Keep on reading to get better security by switching off and control off the Facebook activity.

Off – Facebook Activity

The online activity details that third party sites and apps offer to Facebook are known as the Off Facebook Activity. It gets the details about you and your browsing activity from several apps or sites cookies that are built to follow you on the web, according to Facebook. The apps send the details with Facebook by themselves. As you sign in to the app or site and the details get to the Facebook servers. Moreover, if you try to post from any site or app to Facebook, they will get these details too.

How to Control Your Facebook Activity

To avoid off-Facebook activity, you may switch it off. It contains 2 options.

  • Disconnect the past off-Facebook activity
  • Stop the future off-Facebook activity

It will not change the circumstances much. It still gets the details from as networks that follow you. Also, disconnect the past off-Facebook activity do not actually remove the information offered by the related app.

How to Disconnect Past off Facebook Activity

If you want to disconnect past off-Facebook activity, then you can follow the provided steps:

  1. Tap on Settings button at the section that shows as you press the inverted triangle at the upper right of the Facebook pane.
  2. Select Your Facebook details at the left window of the Settings window.
  3. You will then view the button at the right window of Facebook Settings window that reads as an off-Facebook activity.
  4. Hit the View option.
  5. There are several choices at the right that lets you remove the past off- Facebook activity and to remove the history of these activities.
  6. Tap on Manage off – a Facebook activity to see the entire sites and apps sharing details with Facebook. The page, including the apps list that has the choice to remove history at the top of a list.
  7. Press the Clear History information to delete the history. It will not remove the data. Though to switch off the off-Facebookok activity, tap on Manage the off-Facebook Activity option.
  8. Then in a new window, toggle the switch to switch it off.


How to Properly Update the Device Drivers on Windows 10

The device driver is an important piece of code on Windows 10 that lets you discover and communicate with the particular hardware and peripherals like printers, monitors, mouse, and keyboards. Windows 10 discovers and installs the drivers automatically via the driver library in the system and the Windows update.

Though sometimes you may have to update the device manually for several reasons. For example, as the specific component is unable to discover, stop working after the upgrade, Windows update downloads the generic package, or you have to access the latest feature or use the bug fix.

The reasons can be anything; Windows 10 is available with various choices to update the device driver manually, like via Windows Update, Device Manager, via auto-update assistants from device manufacturers. If you need to update device drivers properly on Windows 10, then you are on the right post. Keep on reading to follow steps.

How to Update Drivers via Windows Update

Though it may take some time till the manufacturers release newer driver pack on Windows Update, it is still the suggested way to download as well as install the drivers as a package in a channel are already tested, verified and signed by Microsoft.

If you want to update drivers via Windows Update, then abide by the given steps:

  1. Launch Settings.
  2. Tap on Update and Security.
  3. Select the Windows Update option.
  4. Press the Check for updates option.

As the process finishes, if the driver is missing after the clean or upgrade installation or the new driver is available to advance the old version, then it will download and install.

How to Update Drivers via Device Manager

You may update the drivers for the wireless adapter, painter, monitor, and several components via Device Manager.

Install Drive From Microsoft

If you want to install drive from Microsoft, then you can follow the provided steps:

  1. Launch Start.
  2. Locate the Device Manager.
  3. Tap on the upper result to launch the tool.
  4. Tap twice on a branch using hardware that you like to update.
  5. Right-click on hardware and then click on the Update driver button.
  6. Press on Search for updated driver software button.

As the process completes, if the latest update is accessible, Device Manager is going to download and install the package automatically the same as Windows Update via Microsoft servers.

Install Driver From Manufacturer

When the driver is not available through the Windows Update as it is too latest or accessible only in beta, you have to download and install a package from the manufacturer’s support site manually. As getting the update from manufacturer support site, you must always try to follow their steps first. Though if there are no steps available, then tap twice on.exe self-extracting pack.

If you wish to install a driver from the manufacturer, then pursue the given instructions:

  1. Launch Start.
  2. Locate the Device Manager.
  3. Tap on an upper result to launch tool.
  4. Tap twice on the branch with hardware that you need to update.
  5. Right-click hardware and then choose “Update Driver.”
  6. Press on Browse my PC for driver software button.
  7. Hit the Browse option.
  8. Click on the main folder with driver files that you have extracted before.
  9. Hit the OK option.
  10. Check Include subfolders button to let the wizard locate correct “.inf” file using the steps to update driver.
  11. Tap on the Next option.

As the procedure finishes, the wizard will discover and install a new driver on the PC to improve the complete experience with the fix, new functions, or latest support according to the update and device.

How to Determine That Driver Updates Successfully

When you install the update for a specific driver, you need to ensure a new version was used properly.

In case you need to determine that driver updates successfully, then you need to follow the offered steps:

  1. Launch Start.
  2. Locate the Device Manager.
  3. Tap on an upper result to launch tool.
  4. Tap twice on the branch with hardware that you need to update.
  5. Right-click hardware and then choose Properties button.
  6. Press the Driver.
  7. Check the Driver Version and Driver Date details.

As you finish the process, if the information matches the details offered by the manufacturer support site, then you are using a new version of the driver on Windows 10.


How to Hide Photos and Videos on iPhone and iPad

Apple iPhone has an inbuilt hide function, and it can hide your pictures from All Image tab to Hide folder shown in the bottom of the Photos application. You can hide photos from the gallery but not prevent by the unknown propels. If any people get your device in her hand, then they can easily find your hide photos in the hidden album. So if you want to save you private photos with more security, then follow the steps given below to secure your private photos and videos.

Hide Private Photos and Videos in the Photo Application

Whenever you click photos with the Apple camera, it automatically saves the photos in the photos’ album. On the album, all the images stored in your device shown. You can hide the stored photos to prevent random people from accessing them.

You simply need to move your videos and photos in the Hide folder.

Here are the steps on how to hide private photos and videos from Photos application:-

  1. Launch the Photos Application.
  2. Select the photo or video you wish to hide.
  3. Hit the Share option shown at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The photo or video you have selected are now hidden from the gallery.
  5. All the images or videos you have hide can view in the Hide folder in the album section in the photos application.

The Issue with Hiding Photos and Videos in Photos Application

Even though the above method is handy, it offers little privacy. You can’t hide album, photos and videos with Apple ID, Touch ID, Face ID or Passcode.

The main issue arises with someone who knows the password of your device. That person can easily unlock your device to view your hidden photos and videos.

Hide album is stored in the Photos application library, so it is easy to find the photos. It can hold your photos move from the library albums without deleting the original pictures. There are several iPhone, and the iPad user knows the trick on how to hide private photos and videos. If you want to secure your images and video with full security, avoid its standard method like hiding photos in the Hide album from photos gallery.

Apple iCloud is the best option that helps you to hide your photos, or if you lock your hidden application with Apple iCloud, then you can secure it with your apple password, Touch ID and Face ID.

Hide Photos and Videos in the Notes Application

Apple has a Note application for iPhone and iPad application, which has a lock features that lock files with the password. It means you can store your media like photos and videos to Note and make a password to protect your multimedia files. After sending the photos in the Notes application, you can delete photos from the Photos application.

Here are the steps on how to save photos and videos on the Notes application:-

  1. Launch the Photos application.
  2. Select the photos and videos you wish to hide in the Notes application. You can choose several files at the same time.
  3. Hit the share icon shown at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Find the Notes icon and tap on it.
  5. Choose the notes that you want to attach your documents.
  6. Hit the save option to export multimedia Notes.

Here are the steps on how to lock the note you created:-

  1. Start the Notes application and select the notes that you created maybe it will show on the top of the list.
  2. Swift right to left the notes to access the Padlock icon.
  3. Hit the Padlock icon to secure the notes; it can ask your password or Face ID or Touch ID that you have enabled. Use the password on your choice.

Hide Photos and Videos in a File Locker Application

You can use Devoted file locker to secure your photos or videos to keep your multimedia stuff private. Locker application is specially designed for the user with a complete privacy setting. It offers you to choose your password and videos in the application. Whenever you upload your multimedia file or open the application, you need to enter your password.

Here is the list of some applications that are similar to File lock application:-

  • Folder lock
  • Keepsafe
  • Private Photo Vault
  • Secret Apps Photo Lock

These applications are available on the Apple App Store. You can choose any application that you trust as there are several applications with free features.


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